Organic traffic is a proven driver of business for any website.
A key part of our digital strategy for Mann Family Dental was organic SEO and content creation. After a few months of blogging consistently, their organic traffic started to take off and so did their patients.
In the first year, Mann Family Dental’s website visits had increased by 200%.
Here at Schall, we tend to use our organic traffic results as the key indicator for how well we are doing with our website and our content. So how do you grow your organic traffic and get more qualified eyes on your website?
Here are 3 tips on how to start increasing organic traffic.
1.) Review your on-page SEO
If you’re using WordPress, download the Yoast Plugin. It’ll give you great pointers and help you to get started quickly. If you are not running on a WP platform, review your Focus Keyword for each page. Revisit the content and make improvements where you can. Make sure your focus keyword is used properly in the URL, titles, images and copy. Link to both external and internal sources where it’s relevant. Review the images used in each page and check it they all have an alternate text set up. Last, try to have at least 300 words for each page/blog.
2.) Start Blogging
If you don’t blog or haven’t blogged in a while, start doing it. Start by writing a couple a month and work your way up. The sooner you do it, the better. It’s a lot of work at the beginning, but I guarantee you, you won’t regret it. You can’t out-bid your competitor’s marketing dollars, but can always out-think and out-teach them.
Now, if you suck at writing, you can hire an inbound agency to start researching and writing for you. (Shameless plug: We are researchers and writers!) Blogging quality content is the future of your website’s success.
3.) Share Your Knowledge on Social Networks
You can have amazing content that shares an experience that can be life changing for a reader but if you don’t tell anyone about it, no one will know. Promote your knowledge through your networks. Use your social media channels. I personally publish some of my articles on LinkedIn and have had great results. My 500+ connections receive a notification once my article is published. I’m becoming a thought leader within my network and also providing them a link back to more content on my website. Win win.
Websites these days need to act as your 24/7 sales team. Make sure it’s bringing in the leads and business that it should, and most importantly, keep in track of it. Ask your prospects how they found you. This way at the end of the month, quarter or year, you can find out how well your website is performing.
Increasing organic traffic is a marathon and not a sprint. It takes a lot of time and effort to build. But once it’s there, it won’t go away once you stop paying Google.
Share your knowledge and start writing some great stuff. I promise, you won’t regret it.